理想的な制作を実現させることができます。 -
その経験を活かした、海外作品の国内撮影/日本映画の海外撮影を得意としています。 -
規模の大小に関わらずその作品にとってもっとも適した制作を実現します。 -
映像制作にとどまらず、その後の宣伝・展開まで見据えたご提案を行ないます。 -
また現在では、国内に留まらず海外での配給も自社で手掛けております。 -
6: 最上のホスピタリティを提供
- ■劇場映画の企画立案・準備・撮影・仕上げなどの制作プロダクション業務
- ■劇場映画の配給・宣伝業務
- ■映画・ドラマなどの脚本執筆業務
- ■脚本家をはじめ、録音、編集、制作部のマネージメント業務
- ■サウンドエディットルーム及びオフラインルームの運営
- ■劇場映画以外の映像制作業務
- ■海外作品の国内撮影および日本映画の海外撮影コーディネーション
- 協同組合日本シナリオ作家協会 会員
- 協同組合日本映画・テレビ録音協会 会員
- 協同組合日本映画製作者協会 加盟
- 一般社団法人コミュニティシネマセンター 加盟
- 一般社団法人 日本映画制作適正化機構 正会員
- 会社名
- 株式会社コギトワークス — cogitoworks Ltd.
- 設 立
- 平成20年1月10日
- 資本金
- 10,000,000円
- 役 員
- 代表取締役会長 渡邊 樹志(フジデノロ株式会社)
- 代表取締役社長 関 友彦
- 取締役 稲垣 清隆
- 取締役 山田 裕介(株式会社LUCCA)
- グループ会社
- フジデノロ株式会社
- ※2024年11月より、当社はフジデノログループの一員となりました。
- 取引銀行
- 三菱UFJ銀行 / 三井住友銀行 / みずほ銀行
- 社員数
- 8名(2024.11月時点)
cogitoworks Ltd. is a film production company located in Tokyo, Japan.
Founders Tomohiko Seki, a film producer and Kiyotaka Inagaki, a screenwriter,
met when they were college students in the United Kingdom.
At that time, Seki and Inagaki collaborated to create a short independent film that became the first step on a long journey together.
After returning to Japan in 2000, both entered the film industry – Seki as a production crew member and Inagaki as a screenwriter. After years of hard work in both domestic and international productions,
they established cogitoworks Ltd. on January 10, 2008, in order to realize their dream of filmmaking on their own terms.
【The Features of cogitoworks Ltd.】
1: Unparalleled film production established by experienced producer and screenwriter
Our team structure makes for an ideal production experience while maintaining a high level of creative energy;
we also specialize in simultaneous pitching, planning and production schemes. -
2: A wealth of experience with overseas production work
We specialize not only in domestic film production work,
but our experience in overseas productions give us unique insight into both forms.
Our team excels at various type of international co-productions,
including producing Japanese shows overseas and producing international shows in Japan.
Producer Filmography:
Tomohiko Seki
3: Modest production budgets to your blockbuster projects
From your low-budget art house film to huge summer blockbuster production –
we produce the highest quality work experience and product regardless of budget. -
4: Always striving for quality and scalability of each and every project
We focus not only on the project before us, but on every step of the process –
including looking ahead to advertising, PR/public relations, branding, marketing, such as music video, tie-ins, etc. -
5: From plan conception to post-production and final delivery to clients and audience,
we provide complete services from start to finish
We are fully equipped with professional editing and sound editing rooms,
which allow us to deliver consistently high-quality production performances in-house from plan conception to post-production,
including distribution and advertising and marketing tie-ins. -
6: Our Hospitality
We have a fully equipped bar and kitchen built in a renovated warehouse.
We provide a full array of hospitality with quality hot and cold beverages, as well as good food.
This unique ambience will give you that extra creative energy that makes us stand out from the pack.
- Company Name : cogitoworks Ltd.
- Established : January 10, 2008
- Head Office : 1-14-18 Setagaya, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 1540017, Japan
- Tel : +81-3-6413-6664
- Capital : 10,000,000JPY
- Officers : Tatsushi Watanabe, Chairman / Tomohiko Seki, Representative Director / Kiyotaka Inagaki, Director / Yusuke Yamada, Director
- Banks : MUFG Bank, Ltd. / SMBC / Mizuho Bank
- Number of Employees : 8(as of Nov 2024)
【Our Service】
- ■Plan formulation, Development, Preproduction, Production, Postproduction for feature film
- ■Distribution and Advertisement tie-ins for feature film
- ■Screenwriting for Films and TV dramas.
- ■Management for Screenwriters, Sound operators, Editors and production crews
- ■Managing to Sound edit room and Off-line room
- ■Coordination for international shooting of domestic productions and Domestic shooting of international productions
- Member of Japanese Writers Guild
- Member of Japan Cinema and Television Sound Creator Association
- Membership of Japan Film Makers Association
- Membership of Japan Community Cinema Center
- Membership of Japan Motion Picture Production Standards Association